Saturday, June 27, 2009

Taco night at King Kong

Photo 1...The 'Pastor' being sliced off by the chef at King Kong. The meat cooks horizontally with a propane flame searing it as it spins. The chef cuts off the sweet, crunchy meat and with a knick of the knife he slaps a sweet piece of pineapple onto the corn tortilla. Top it with onion, cilantro and green salsa and a few drops of is Mana from heaven. Can you eat anything so simple yet so tasty, this gringo doesn't think so.

Photo 2...The fixings, green salsa, and limes. No lemons here kids, they don't exist. These are the 'limons'...looking to make a nice tea? Too bad, yellow lemons are as foreign as Vietnamese soup.

Photo 3...The finished product. Its taste can only be described as sweet, sour, salty and can be devoured in two and a half bites. I could live on these things...

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