Saturday, June 27, 2009

'Balcones' after Tacos...

The story behind these photos started with a question a few days prior. You see, as I have been traveling around my town and to the City I have kept noticing houses that sit precariously on a ledge far far above the main roadway, and I wondered...where is that place? So, I asked Aris and after Tacos...we drove up to 'Balcones'...translated'...Balconies, because if you life there you need one. It is far above the towns below and as you climb your way up, you realize how small you are and how large the suburbs of Mexico City are. In the first photo, we were looking in the direction of Atizapan and points North, the second is Districo Federal and points south all the way to Mexico City.

It was breathtaking, as you could see entire towns laid out in the valley between mountaintops, like christmas lights twinkling in the distance. You think your life it big until you see something that makes you feel very small.

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