Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mexico, Week 1

Photo one...Our church here in Atizapan. I have taken a lot of good photos of this church over the past two visits...and this one is of the rains as they moved in at the start of the evening.

Photo two...a 'Micro' bus, parked for the night. These are the main source of transportation here and by far, the hardest to get accustomed to. The drivers rattle down the streets without fear of anyone or thing in their way.

Photos Three...The bus lanes at the subway station 'Rosario' or 'The Rosary'. It can be confusing as each bus is headed to a different town. Finding yours can be difficult.


  1. Hey there is a pink one, who rides that one?

  2. I think I would be too ovewhelmed to travel by myself.
