Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday morning drizzle

Oftentimes I find myself thinking about homes, and what may lie ahead in my future concerning one. In moving photos from my old computer to the laptop this weekend, I stumbled across a number of photos I have collected over the years which piqued my interest, (at least enough to have saved the photos) and had a nice time looking through them.

The first is a 'tumbleweed tiny home', a towable house trailer at 13.5 feet tall. It has a loft, and is a fully functional home with kitchen, shower, bathroom and living room.

The second is a tree house, which has always interested me. It looks to have a Spanish stucco type look, which to me makes it look great standing in the trees.

The third is the Cottages at Oak Bluff in Martha's Vineyard. I saw this particular house years ago in a magazine and fell in love with the color, design and overall look of this cottage, in particular the entrance. I'd steal the color scheme and design elements in this house and bring it to the smaller tumbleweed house for a great home to live in.

The last is of an old home in Georgia that was for sale once online. When I look at it, I wonder about the history of the home. The porch, and how many people sat and looked across the yard from it. Those windows upstairs, and the curtains hung open to let the breeze waft in. The post on the far right along the drive, when was the last horse tied up to it, I wonder?

I tell people that my dream is to own a certain amount of acreage, no less than 10 but no more than 50, which I would build a fence around and a home in the middle. A long winding driveway which would take you through the property, up to a small home next to a stream perhaps. Who knows? The idea of having small cottages built throughout the woods reminds me of camping as a child. A mess hall or main home where the meals are served, but private cottages around the area where seclusion would be key.

Who would live there with me?

1 comment:

  1. This post is ironic because when I couldn't sleep last night, I tried to follow dad's tonic for insomnia. Think about what you would do if you were suddenly a millionaire. I envisioned having a large piece of property with a big house and a few of the tiny tumbleweed houses. I came to that idea because I thought I would buy one for you and you could put it on the property or move it whenever you like. Then I thought, well why not have a few for other people too. I swear I am not just making that up either. I was really just thinking about that! Those houses are perfect for you. The house in Georgia reminds me of one right here in the hayne. It is abandon and is on a main road but it is a large Victorian and the curtains still hang in the windows. I love thinking about who lived there and why it is empty now. I look at it everyday. Weird, how much we are alike!
