Saturday, February 21, 2009


So, in my attempt to become unattached and condensed in concern to my carbon footprint I've begun to adapt for more of a nomadic lifestyle, while keeping technologically connected. All my my photos, those which I have collected since I was old enough to collect photos have become digitized...leaving behind the hard copies. My large Dell will be finding an adoptive family in Wilmington who needs it, and I will lighten the load that much sooner. Collectively, I have let go of many things, items that held more of a sentimental value than an egalitarian one. In hopes to be able to comfortably move what I own in the back of my pickup.

Oh, the photos...the pansies becon you, don't they? Cute faces, you should smell them when the afternoon sun has warmed them up. Below, my new secure connection. I am connected full time now.

1 comment:

  1. I only wish my pansies looked so good. I guess it would help if I watered them. I am glad you are connected. Now we can communicate more often! As if we don't talk enough already.
