Today thus far has been a bore, a real bore. And one would think that someone with as much free time and ability to travel would find some adventure to get into, but no...it is instead 2:40 here and I am drying my laundry, sipping some coffee and watching Bonnie Hunt. Although, yes...it was historic, yes...times they are 'a changin'...but please, stop with the ball dresses and Obama bobble heads...I don't need to know if he liked his first breakfast in office. Not to hate here, but let the man do his thing...let his family enjoy it, let the marching bands go home. Where's Britiney...should we be more focused on her by now?
Here is the photo of the moment...my 'Java Love'. I'm trying to warm up since I have been out in the snow and cold for the past three days now as an arctic icefighter. They give us powerful trucks and put plows on the front and tell us to 'plow boys'...and thats what we did, we plowed, and shoveled and salted and slipped and slid around in parking lots driving 40,000 dollar trucks with the sides reading our name...hoping for that call to go home from the cell. We got 7 inches of snow Tuesday and didn't have temps reach above freezing till 10am today.
Tomorrow, we go in for another 10 hours. Hope the snow is melted and we run the gauntlet of jobs scanning and fitting all into one afternoon. Next week we compress strawing and try to get ahead of the schedule.
We soldier on. I think of the quote from 'Jarhead'...
'Because I love this job, I thank God for every fucking day he gives me in the Corps, ooorah.'
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